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Why study environmental regulations?

As significant economic changes sweep India, the need for environmental protection laws and regulations is felt more than ever in both the public and private sectors. 

Unscientific infrastructure development, fast-paced urbanization, and the overutilization of natural resources have made people realize the need for ironclad rules and regulations to protect the environment. Increasing  environmental crimes and climate change, leading to biodiversity loss, water scarcity, soil degradation and air, water, and environmental pollution are some of the areas that call for strong legislation.

Environmental laws are the core of sustainable development because they integrate environmental protection and sustainability with the rules of the law to ensure balanced growth. Environmental regulations are predominantly specific rules and actions enforced by administrative agencies to control pollution and manage natural resources. These regulations protect the environment and internalize externalities, including direct and indirect interventions. 

The conceptual boundaries of environmental regulations have extended significantly since the 1990s. In addition to the environmental regulations imposed by administrative agencies, voluntary regulations by firms and industry associations are becoming part of environmental regulations. 

Due to the rising importance of these rules across several sectors, the need for experts in environmental regulations is on the rise, both in administrative agencies and private firms. Despite such demands, environmental regulations as a course are offered only by very few institutions across the world, and the same is applicable in the context of India.

The students get a sneak peek of different theories and perspectives on environmental laws and regulations. They learn the rules of law that guarantee clean air, clean water, clean energy, and the conservation of endangered species of plants and animals. Through interdisciplinary and inclusive law education about environmental regulations, SaiU aims to foster global awareness and relentless passion for the environment and natural resources.